Recipes by their Ingredients

chopped nuts

  • Friendship Cake

    Friendship Cake
    Friendship Cake
    (1 Cake Serves 6-10, Makes 3 Cakes)

    NOTES:You will have 5 days to start using the starter. Yes, it makes a lot of cakes, but it's worth it, one for you, freeze one, give slices of the last one out.

    1st Day
    1½ cups starter
    2½ cups fine white sugar
    1 shot of Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum, optional
    1 large can of sliced peaches (30oz), cut into thirds, juice and all

    Stir together the sugar, cut sliced peaces and juice in a gallon jug, cover loosely, stir every day until the...

    10th Day
    2 cups of fine white sugar
    1 shot of Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum, optional
    1 large can of pineapple chunks (20oz), juice and all

    Stir every day until the...

    20th Day
    2 cups of fine white sugar
    1 shot of Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum, optional
    1 large can of fruit cocktail (16oz), juice and all
    1 jar of maraschino cherries (10oz), discard stems, cut in half, juice and all
    Stir every day until the...

    30th Day
    Drain the juice from the fruit (set the the juice aside for using as starter).
    Divide the fruit into thirds to make 3 cakes. (Approximately 2 cups per cake)
    Divide the juice into 1½ cup portions. Place in a tightly covered container and give to friends with a copy oif this recipe and a piece of cake! (The starter should be used within 5 days.)

    During the 30 days, none of the recipe should be refrigerated. Place in a covered container at room temperature.
    The fruit may bubble and lid pop off, this is fine as long as you have something covering it. The cake can be frozen, but the juice can not. The cake freezes well for a year.

    For Each Cake
    1 package yellow cake mix (without pudding added)
    ⅔ cup oil
    4 eggs
    1 small box of instant vanilla pudding
    ⅓ of the fruits (approximately 2 cups)
    1 cup chopped nuts
    1 cup water

    Mix ingredients together bake in an greased and floured tube or bundt pan on the lower rack at 350°F. for 50 minutes or until a toothpick, when stuck into the center of the cake, comes out clean. Let cool for 5 minutes and invert on a plate to cool.