Recipes by their Ingredients

marshmallow creme

  • Marshmallow Creme Filling for cupcakes

    Cream Filling for cupcakes

    Cream Filling for cupcakes (Fills 12-24 cupcakes, depending on size)

    2 tsp very hot water
    ¼ tsp salt
    7 oz marshmallow creme
    4 tblsp shortening
    4 tblsp sweet butter
    ⅓ cup powdered sugar
    ½ tsp vanilla extract

    NOTES: I put the filling in a small plastic bag, then cut the corner from the plastic bag and used it to pipe in the filling.

    In a mixer, dissolve the salt into the hot water. Allow to cool.
    Add remaining ingredients and whip on medium speed until super fluffy.

    Using a small pairing knife, cut out a small tunnel in the top center of the cupcake, fill with the creme filling.
    You can then either plug the top hole with the cake you cut out or frost the top of the cake with a nice butter creme icing. Or try this mocha icing!